OPPM website and LMS Follow up Online Meeting

June 23, 2022

OPPM website and LMS Follow up Online Meeting

An Online Meeting was held by Prof. Amr Abdelkhalik (NU), Dean of the Biotechnology School, under the care of Prof. Ahmed Wahid (AU), the project coordinator and the acting head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, for partners from different universities and academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Egypt and Lebanon. The meeting aimed to follow up on the building of the OPPM website and LMS for proposing final deadlines.

Prof. Ahmed Hassan (NU), Dean of the Information Technology and Computer Science School (ITCS), expressed his thoughts on the proposed OPPM website, and the various offers made by companies to develop the website. He also emphasized the importance of proposing a delivery date for when the website will be ready. He emphasized the importance of presenting a set of requirements to the website company in order to facilitate and enable tracking of all required aspects. He also proposed running the provisional alongside the new website. He highlighted the importance of having two separate platforms for the LMS and the website in order to maximize efficacy and user experience and achieve the best results. He also explained the type of contract and terms to use for maximum efficiency within the budget constraints and also suggested scheduling a meeting with the MCIT team next week to finalize this issue. Finally, the tandem will be delivered to all partners to take their final approval.