OPPM E-Labs Development Online Meeting

June 23, 2022

OPPM E-Labs Development Online Meeting

An Online Meeting was held by Prof. Amr Abdelkhalik (NU), Dean of the Biotechnology School, under the care of Prof. Ahmed Wahid (AU), the project coordinator and the acting head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, for partners from different universities and academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Egypt and Lebanon. The meeting allowed a session for E-Labs orientation and discussion. It helped the project members to understand the process of development of the E-Lab model.

Eng. Ahmed Hamdy (NU), Administrative Continuous Improvement Manager at Nile University, presented a detailed overview of the E-labs content schemes and demonstrated the different virtual and interactive classes of E-labs. He discussed possible methods of overviewing the E-labs content schemes either 3D or 360 models using EON Reality. He also allowed time for raising questions by the participating partners regarding the E-Labs design.

Prof. Ahmed Wahid (AU) reviewed the E-Labs scenarios signed by the OPPM project members listed in the Development of E-Labs google sheet to explore the most ideal method to achieve the expected outcome. The partners agreed that an E-Lab discussion meeting will be held separately between each institution and Nile University for designing the E-Lab specific to each Course.