AU Event, Egypt

March 20, 2022

AU Event, Egypt

A local dissemination event was held in the faculty of pharmacy at Alexandria university under the care of Prof. Mervat Kassem, Dean of the faculty of pharmacy-AU, and Prof. Sherif Rostom, Vice Dean of Environment and Community Service of the faculty of pharmacy-AU.

Prof. Mervat Kassem made a welcome note in which she expressed her happiness to host this event within the faculty of pharmacy. Prof. Sherif Rostom welcomed the audience and expressed how important is the OPPM project to the vision of postgraduate studies.

Prof. Ahmed Wahid demonstrated the current status of the project and the progress that has been made in the different work packages. He also explained the timeline followed in the different deliverables of each work package, and attested to the importance of commitment to the deadlines, especially in what is related to the purchase of equipment.

Prof. Sahar Elgowilly, Head of the Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, demonstrated the gap analysis data and showed the data collected from different surveys, questionnaires, and literature reviews, which reflect the importance of PGx and the academic and social need for PGx degrees in Egypt, and Lebanon. She presented a summary of available PGx-related degrees/certificates in the middle east, and the EU and a summary of available PGx-related E LABS. Data revealed a clear need for PGx educational/professional/training degrees in Egypt.