The OPPM Dissemination Event at Alexandria University

February 2, 2024

The OPPM Dissemination Event at Alexandria University

The event served as an excellent platform to give an in depth overview of the OPPM program and present it to representatives of Egyptian universities and scientific institutions interested in the field of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine.

OPPM is a consortium funded by the European education program ERASMUS+ that aims at designing the first diploma and MSc program in pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine in Egypt. Members of the OPPM consortium include Alexandria University, Nile University, Fayoum University, Al-Alfi Foundation, Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357, Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, American University in Beirut, Beirut Arab University, Oviedo University, University of Kiel, Democritus University of Thrace, and Newcastle University.