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Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Audience will get deep knowledge about the impact of genetic factors on drug response, and adverse effects, thereby enhancing their ability to apply pharmacogenomics concepts to clinical practice.
The ModuleCourses
Molecular Biology
This course will discuss the structure and function of biologically important molecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins and the ....
Read DetailsBioethics
This course will first discuss moral theories and the basis of morality. Then it will zoom in on clinical ....
Read DetailsPharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
This course provides an overview of basic principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and their applications in pharmacogenomics. It also deals ....
Read DetailsData Analysis and Biostatistics
Mastery of the field of pharmacogenomics is not possible without the essential data analysis toolkit. This course covers the general ....
Read DetailsBioinformatics
With the advent of technological advancements in biology came the need to develop methods for analysing high amounts of complex ....
Read DetailsAudience will get deep knowledge about the impact of genetic factors on drug response, and adverse effects, thereby enhancing their ability to apply pharmacogenomics concepts to clinical practice.
The ModuleCourses
Introduction to Pharmacogenomics
This course will introduce to learners the concepts of pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics, and provide a brief history of pharmacogenomics and ....
Read DetailsClinical Drug Safety
This course covers the principles of individualization of drug therapy in different clinical setting, drug use in renal patients, special ....
Read DetailsPharmacogenomics in Practice
This course focuses on the application of pharmacogenomics in clinical practice, and enhances the student’s capabilities to apply and implement ....
Read DetailsHuman Genetics
The course describes the principles of human genetics. Thus, first, we will explain the essential components of inheritance, all the ....
Read DetailsAudience will get deep knowledge about the impact of genetic factors on drug response, and adverse effects, thereby enhancing their ability to apply pharmacogenomics concepts to clinical practice.
The ModuleCourses
Analytical Technology
This course focuses on the available analytical and bioinformatics high-throughput platforms, and its application to pharmacogenomics. In brief, the candidate ....
Read DetailsApplication of pharmacogenomics in cancer
This course provides an overview of somatic and germline Pharmacogenetics in cancer patients. It illustrates pharmacogenomic-based diagnostics in oncology and ....
Read DetailsGenomics of Common and Rare Inherited Diseases
This course offers a broad understanding of current knowledge on rare and complex diseases through a genomics lens. This clear ....
Read DetailsApplication of Genomics and Pharmacogenomics in Infectious Disease
This course discusses the potential application of genomics and pharmacogenomics in disease monitoring, treatment, and control in individuals and populations ....
Read DetailsMolecular Pharmacology
The course will study the molecular basis of drug action, protein structure-activity relationships, receptor-ligand interactions, signal transduction, different types of ....
Read DetailsLearn with the best.

Dr. Asmaa M. Aly Abushady
Vice Dean and Program Director - Biotechnology School - Nile University
Nile University