Dr. Ahmed Hamdy has been a CAD & XR Expert for over 15 years. He is mastering the use of all the most common CAD/CAM/PLM applications and tutoring and teaching many CAD software applications. Dr. Hamdy focuses on enhancing product development cycle frameworks, mainly improving the Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM) paradigms. He believes that CAD, product design and product Gamification are crucial aspects in the development stage of any product to better show all parameters and design concepts before the execution of prototyping and manufacturing processes.
Dr. Hamdy masters the gamification concepts of different product development levels to cope with new trendy technologies. He uses VR, AR, MR, and XR concepts to show off the product features in a more gamified approach. His new specialties are manipulating different XR platforms and employing different CAD applications to create optimal product development levels.
Dr. Hamdy is a CAD/PLM professional and Product consultant for many multinational companies located in the US, Sweden, Germany and South Africa. He works on different product levels, such as plastic, sheet metal, or assembled products. Also, he is manipulating the perfect use of CAD in Mold and die design operations as well as Ergonomics and human factors modules and not only CAD applications but also CAM, CIM, CAE and PLM modules and software applications.
Dr. Hamdy is teaching in Industrial Engineering program at school of Engineering at Nile University different Industrial Engineering aspects and core Engineering Concepts.
Dr. Marwa Kamal Ahmed Tolba is an Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Fayoum University.
Doaa Helal is an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics and serves as the Head of the Pharmaceutics Department at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Fayoum University. In addition to these roles, she is the Acting Vice Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research at the same institution.
Dina Atef is a professional with seven years of experience in the e-learning industry. She is currently working at the E-learning Competence Center, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. Dina focuses on course development and is known for creating engaging and interactive learning experiences. She is highly adept at using Articulate Storyline to elevate the quality of online courses.
Nabil Reyad is a professional with nine years of experience in the e-learning industry. He is currently employed at the E-Learning Competence Center, which is associated with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. Nabil’s primary focus is course development, and he is proficient in using Articulate Storyline to create engaging content. Additionally, he has a strong background in incorporating audio and video elements to enrich the learning experience.
Noha Abdelkader is a Professor at the Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University. Prof. Abdelkader is a member of the National Center for Clinical and Environmental Toxicology board of directors, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. Prof. Abdelkader received her B.Sc. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2000. She received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Cairo University in Egypt in 2006 and 2011, respectively. She coordinated a major EU-funded project in the Erasmus+KA2 scheme (Project ITCT: IT-Based Clinical Toxicology Diploma, 2015-2019) that involved 4 Egyptian partners representing the 4 most prominent universities in Egypt alongside 3 European universities from Sweden, UK, and Malta. This project was extended by joint research with the University of Newcastle, UK, about preclinical toxicity studies of ionic liquids.
Moreover, Prof. Noha Abdelkader is the external expert for the EU-funded OPPM project (Online Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine postgraduate program, 2022-2025). Prof. Abdelkader has published 33 articles in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals (h-index: 16, citations: 725). Her research is focused on exploring new treatment strategies for neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, chemotherapy-induced toxicities, diabetes, and peripheral neuropathy, which are considered significant health-related problems in Egypt and the world. Prof. Abdelkader has participated in many international conferences and scientific workshops. She has supervised 11 MSc and 11 Ph.D. students. For her contribution to the learning and research process at Cairo University, Prof. Abdelkader was awarded the University Encouragement Award in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2017. Prof. Abdelkader was also recognized by the EU delegation in Egypt and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Egypt for her valuable contribution to strengthening EU – Egypt cooperation in research, innovation, and higher education in 2019.
Aya currently works as a teaching assistant at the School of Biotechnology, Nile University. She graduated from the Biotechnology program at the Faculty of Agriculture at Cairo university (excellent with honor’s grade). She did her graduation project at the department of Microbiology on Modified culture techniques for the recovery of unculturable Rhizobacteria. In addition, she worked at the Environmental Studies and Research Unit for Microbiology for 2 years. Currently, she is about to finish her M.Sc. degree at the School of Information Technology and Computer Science, Nile University in the field of bioinformatics. Her M.Sc. project aims to find cancer cell treatments from plant extracts by means of database tools and machine learning models, besides being a member in the Erasmus Project (OPPM).
Previously, she worked as a teaching assistant for graduate and undergraduate courses at AUC (American University in Cairo) in the chemistry department. She worked simultaneously as a research assistant on a project in treating wastewater using nanotechnology techniques at AUC, which resulted in two manuscripts in International Journals. The prototype of her nanotechnology project also won 2nd place at the 5th Cairo International Exhibition of Innovation. Aside from teaching and research, Aya co-organized the international conference Recent Trends in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Towards Vision 2030 held at AUC.
Dr. Arwa Kohela received her BSc degree with honours in Biotechnology from the Faculty of Science at Cairo University. Having developed a great interest in the field of molecular biology, she then moved to the Netherlands for her postgraduate studies. She was awarded the Radboud UMC St fund and RSP scholarships to perform her MSc degree in Molecular Mechanisms of Disease at Radboud University. She then joined the Hubrecht Institute to start her Ph.D. in Molecular Cardiology. Her work focused on studying different aspects of cardiac remodeling during genetic and ischemic heart disease. This involved using human stem cell-derived cardiac cultures, mouse models and single-cell RNA sequencing technologies to understand the mechanisms of heart disease and identify key factors for therapeutic intervention. She worked on multiple collaborative projects and her work was published in several high-impact journals. Furthermore, the research findings of her main project allowed the identification of a novel gene involved in the progression of a detrimental genetic heart disease, for which a European patent was filed. She further presented her work at several international conferences and received prestigious awards at the International Society for Heart Research Meeting (Amsterdam), Heart Failure Association Winter Meeting (Les Diablerets), Dutch-German Molecular Cardiology Meeting (Gottingen) and Translational Cardiovascular Research Meeting (Utrecht). Dr. Kohela is now a full-time Assistant Professor at the School of Biotechnology at Nile University.
At Nile University, Dr. Arwa is also working with members of the School of Biotechnology on the design and preparation of the first diploma and master’s program in Pharmacogenomics in Egypt, which is in a consortium funded by ERASMUS. The diploma and master’s program will have a world-class curriculum revised by renowned European universities and will be available to graduates of medicine, pharmacy and biotechnology in Egypt and Lebanon.
Saher Abdelmiged Ali is a teaching assistant with over 5 years of experience working with the School of Engineering and Applied Science and the School of Biotechnology, Nile University. He received his B.Sc. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from MSA University and he received his M.Sc. in Microbial Biotechnology from GEBRI, Sadat University.